Sunday, June 16, 2019

Students Help-Seeking during Physical Education Essay

Students Help-Seeking during Physical Education - Essay ExampleHowever, in the face of such difficulties, they will also tend to stress suspensor from fellow students or teachers, and at some point look for other means in order to conquer these difficulties.It is said that there is a positive link between the utilization of self-regulated strategies and a students academic performance. This claim was also supported by Alleven & Koedinger (2000) when they asserted that the ability to sample help capably has been proven to contribute to ones learning and was correctly linked with better learning coupled with drop deading.However, it should be noted that the help-seeking way showed by the students is more often flawed than not. It is because of the fact that they tend to overuse it as much as underuse it. The thing is, the students frequently tend to avoid help when it is most necessary, while ironically they ask for more than is actually required when they decide to ask for help ( Alleven & Koedinger, 2000).Compared to the studies of help-seeking in adolescents and younger students, such as the work of Nye, there have been relatively fewer studies of such which focused on college students. In line with that, there are questions about whether these studies regarding younger learners extend to higher(prenominal) education settings. Therefore, for this part of the paper, the author aims to look at the dynamics of help-seeking in college students rather than to focus on younger learners such as the approach do by Nye.In a study conducted by Karabenick &Knapp (1991), they aimed to investigate the help-seeking attitudes, goals and the preferred helping resources of college students in order to recognize the dynamics of help-seeking among college students in large classes.

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