Sunday, June 9, 2019

Management project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management project - Research Paper ExampleThis however, never changed how former(a) charity organizations viewed the group even though alien dance is a legal profession (Edbermac, 2007).The exotic dancers hold an annual event to raise gold to donate to the charity societies. The groups hold the event in remembrance of their former dancer who died delinquent to breast cancer (Edbermac, 2007). Trina Rickettes, the former dancer had said a mail sent notified her that the society declined to collect that years donation (Edbermac, 2007). The society pointed out that its major donors never approved the connection to the exotic dancers. The group fells discriminated due to rejection of donations done to help the cancer-affected patients in the society. Many organizations view the dancers as strippers hence prostitutes and they term their earning as dirty money (Edbermac, 2007). Charity organizations fear to associate with the exotic dancers unless the group agreed to be anonymous. The r aised money end up in less discriminating charity organizations and the organizations benefits from the thousands of dollars from the exotic dancers (Edbermac, 2007).Edbermac. (2007, February 07). Breast Cancer fellowship rejects donation from exotic dancers. Retrieved may sunday, 2014, from democratic underground

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